Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
321 lines
include stdlib.a
includelib stdlib.lib
; T E S T S U I T E F O R
; R A N D Y H Y D E ' S S T A N D A R D
; L I B R A R Y F O R A S S E M B L Y
; L A N G U A G E P R O G R A M M E R S
; PRINTFF Routine
; Global variables go here:
StdData segment para public 'sldata'
extrn fpacc:byte
StdData ends
dseg segment para public 'data'
i dw -4321
pi dd i
u dw 2345
pu dd u
l dd -1234567890
pl dd l
ul dd 987654321
pul dd ul
ps dd s
s db "printff string",0
MemAvail dw ?
; Floating point values:
SPConst1 dd 1.0
SPConst10 dd 10.25
SPConst100 dd 100.50
SPConst1000 dd 1000.75
DPConst1 dq 1.0
DPConst10 dq 10.25
DPConst100 dq 100.50
DPConst1000 dq 1000.75
EPConst1 dt 1.0
EPConst10 dt 10.25
EPConst100 dt 100.50
EPConst1000 dt 1000.75
dseg ends
cseg segment para public 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:dseg
lesi macro adrs
mov di, seg adrs
mov es, di
lea di, adrs
ldxi macro adrs
mov dx, seg adrs
lea si, adrs
; Variables that wind up being used by the standard library routines.
; The MemInit routine uses "PSP" and "zzzzzzseg" labels. They must be
; present if you intend to use getenv, MemInit, malloc, and free.
public PSP
PSP dw ?
cr equ 13
lf equ 10
; Main is the main program. Program execution always begins here.
Main proc
mov cs:PSP, es ;Save pgm seg prefix
mov ax, seg dseg ;Set up the segment registers
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov dx, 0 ;Allocate all available RAM.
mov MemAvail, cx
db "There are %x paragraphs of memory available."
db cr,lf,lf,0
dd MemAvail
; Testing the printffF routine:
db "This is a test of the printff routine w/o any "
db "operands.\n"
db "It tests the esc characters \\n, \\r, \\b, \\t, "
db "\0x0d, and \\\\.\n"
db "Test of \\r:\n"
db "Old line.\rNew line.\n"
db "Test of \t\ttab.\n"
db "Test of backspace\b\b\b\b\bs p a c e\n"
db "Test of return using \\0x0d:\n"
db "Old line.\0x0dNew line.\n\n",0
db cr,lf
db "Test of integer output formats (using I):\n"
db "\%d\t\t-\t*%d*\n"
db "\%10d\t\t-\t*%10d*\n"
db "\%-10d\t\t-\t*%-10d*\n"
db "\%\\*10d\t\t-\t*%\*10d*\n"
db "\%\-\\*10d\t\t-\t*%-\*10d*\n"
db "\%^d\t\t-\t*%^d*\n"
db "\%10^d\t\t-\t*%10^d*\n"
db "\%-10^d\t\t-\t*%-10^d*\n"
db "\%\\*10^d\t\t-\t*%\*10^d*\n"
db "\%\-\\*10^d\t-\t*%-\*10^d*\n"
db 0
dd i,i,i,i,i,pi,pi,pi,pi,pi
db cr,lf
db "Test of unsigned integer output formats (using U):\n"
db "\%u\t\t-\t*%u*\n"
db "\%10u\t\t-\t*%10u*\n"
db "\%-10u\t\t-\t*%-10u*\n"
db "\%\\*10u\t\t-\t*%\*10u*\n"
db "\%\-\\*10u\t\t-\t*%-\*10u*\n"
db "\%^u\t\t-\t*%^u*\n"
db "\%10^u\t\t-\t*%10^u*\n"
db "\%-10^u\t\t-\t*%-10^u*\n"
db "\%\\*10^u\t\t-\t*%\*10^u*\n"
db "\%\-\\*10^u\t-\t*%-\*10^u*\n"
db 0
dd u,u,u,u,u,pu,pu,pu,pu,pu
db cr,lf
db "Test of unsigned long output formats (using UL):\n"
db "\%ul\t\t-\t*%lu*\n"
db "\%15lu\t\t-\t*%15lu*\n"
db "\%-15lu\t\t-\t*%-15lu*\n"
db "\%\\*15lu\t\t-\t*%\*15lu*\n"
db "\%\-\\*15lu\t-\t*%-\*15lu*\n"
db "\%^lu\t\t-\t*%^lu*\n"
db "\%15^lu\t\t-\t*%15^lu*\n"
db "\%-15^lu\t\t-\t*%-15^lu*\n"
db "\%\\*15^lu\t-\t*%\*15^lu*\n"
db "\%\-\\*15^lu\t-\t*%-\*15^lu*\n"
db 0
dd ul,ul,ul,ul,ul,pul,pul,pul,pul,pul
db cr,lf
db "Test of long output formats (using L):\n"
db "\%ld\t\t-\t*%ld*\n"
db "\%15ld\t\t-\t*%15ld*\n"
db "\%-15ld\t\t-\t*%-15ld*\n"
db "\%\\*15ld\t\t-\t*%\*15ld*\n"
db "\%\-\\*15ld\t-\t*%-\*1ld*\n"
db "\%^ld\t\t-\t*%^ld*\n"
db "\%15^ld\t\t-\t*%15^ld*\n"
db "\%-15^ld\t\t-\t*%-15^ld*\n"
db "\%\\*15^ld\t-\t*%\*15^ld*\n"
db "\%\-\\*15^ld\t-\t*%-\*15^ld*\n"
db 0
dd l,l,l,l,l,pl,pl,pl,pl,pl
db cr,lf
db "Test of hexadecimal output (byte) using I:\n"
db "\%h\t\t-\t*%h*\n"
db "\%5h\t\t-\t*%5h*\n"
db "\%-5h\t\t-\t*%-5h*\n"
db "\%\\*5h\t\t-\t*%\*5h*\n"
db "\%\-\\*5h\t\t-\t*%-\*5h*\n"
db "\%^h\t\t-\t*%^h*\n"
db "\%5^h\t\t-\t*%5^h*\n"
db "\%-5^h\t\t-\t*%-5^h*\n"
db "\%\\*5^h\t\t-\t*%\*5^h*\n"
db "\%\-\\*5^h\t\t-\t*%-\*5^h*\n"
db 0
dd i,i,i,i,i,pi,pi,pi,pi,pi
db cr,lf
db "Test of hexadecimal output (word) using I:\n"
db "\%x\t\t-\t*%x*\n"
db "\%5x\t\t-\t*%5x*\n"
db "\%-5x\t\t-\t*%-5x*\n"
db "\%\\*5x\t\t-\t*%\*5x*\n"
db "\%\-\\*5x\t\t-\t*%-\*5x*\n"
db "\%^x\t\t-\t*%^x*\n"
db "\%5^x\t\t-\t*%5^x*\n"
db "\%-5^x\t\t-\t*%-5^x*\n"
db "\%\\*5^x\t\t-\t*%\*5^x*\n"
db "\%\-\\*5^x\t\t-\t*%-\*5^x*\n"
db 0
dd i,i,i,i,i,pi,pi,pi,pi,pi
db cr,lf
db "Test of hexadecimal output (long) using UL:\n"
db "\%lx\t\t-\t*%lx*\n"
db "\%15lx\t\t-\t*%15lx*\n"
db "\%-15lx\t\t-\t*%-15lx*\n"
db "\%\\*15lx\t\t-\t*%\*15lx*\n"
db "\%\-\\*15lx\t-\t*%-\*15lx*\n"
db "\%^lx\t\t-\t*%^lx*\n"
db "\%15^lx\t\t-\t*%15^lx*\n"
db "\%-15^lx\t\t-\t*%-15^lx*\n"
db "\%\\*15^lx\t-\t*%\*15^lx*\n"
db "\%\-\\*15^lx\t-\t*%-\*15^lx*\n"
db 0
dd ul,ul,ul,ul,ul,pul,pul,pul,pul,pul
db cr,lf
db "Test of character output using S:\n"
db "\%c\t\t-\t*%c*\n"
db "\%5c\t\t-\t*%5c*\n"
db "\%-5c\t\t-\t*%-5c*\n"
db "\%\\*5c\t\t-\t*%\*5c*\n"
db "\%\-\\*5c\t\t-\t*%-\*5c*\n"
db "\%^c\t\t-\t*%^c*\n"
db "\%5^c\t\t-\t*%5^c*\n"
db "\%-5^c\t\t-\t*%-5^c*\n"
db "\%\\*5^c\t\t-\t*%\*5^c*\n"
db "\%\-\\*5^c\t\t-\t*%-\*5^c*\n"
db 0
dd s,s,s,s,s,ps,ps,ps,ps,ps
db cr,lf
db "Test of string output using s:\n"
db "\%s\t\t-\t*%s*\n"
db "\%15s\t\t-\t*%15s*\n"
db "\%-15s\t\t-\t*%-15s*\n"
db "\%\\*15s\t\t-\t*%\*15s*\n"
db "\%\-\\*15s\t\t-\t*%-\*15s*\n"
db "\%^s\t\t-\t*%^s*\n"
db "\%15^s\t\t-\t*%15^s*\n"
db "\%-15^s\t\t-\t*%-15^s*\n"
db "\%\\*15^s\t\t-\t*%\*15^s*\n"
db "\%\-\\*15^s\t-\t*%-\*15^s*\n"
db 0
dd s,s,s,s,s,ps,ps,ps,ps,ps
db "Testing printff floating point output",cr,lf
db "SP: 1.00 = %7.2f %12e",cr,lf
db "SP: 10.25 = %7.2f %12e",cr,lf
db "SP: 100.50 = %7.2f %12e",cr,lf
db "SP: 1000.75 = %7.2f %12e",cr,lf
db "DP: 1.00 = %7.2gf %12ge",cr,lf
db "DP: 10.25 = %7.2gf %12ge",cr,lf
db "DP: 100.50 = %7.2gf %12ge",cr,lf
db "DP: 1000.75 = %7.2gf %12ge",cr,lf
db "EP: 1.00 = %7.2lf %13le",cr,lf
db "EP: 10.25 = %9.3lf %14le",cr,lf
db "EP: 100.50 = %11.4lf %15le",cr,lf
db "EP: 1000.75 = %13.5lf %16le",cr,lf
db 0
dd SPConst1, SPConst1, SPConst10, SPConst10
dd SPConst100, SPConst100, SPConst1000, SPConst1000
dd DPConst1, DPConst1, DPConst10, DPConst10
dd DPConst100, DPConst100, DPConst1000, DPConst1000
dd EPConst1, EPConst1, EPConst10, EPConst10
dd EPConst100, EPConst100, EPConst1000, EPConst1000
Quit: mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
Main endp
cseg ends
; Allocate a reasonable amount of space for the stack (2k).
sseg segment para stack 'stack'
stk db 256 dup ("stack ")
sseg ends
; zzzzzzseg must be the last segment that gets loaded into memory!
zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz'
LastBytes db 16 dup (?)
heap db 1024 dup (?)
zzzzzzseg ends
end Main